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ADHD & Food Sensitivity + Reducing your Risk of Breast Cancer

Many parents will quickly acknowledge that too much soda and candy make their kids bounce off the walls on a sugar high, but what if a child's persistent hyperactivity was caused by milk, tomatoes, eggs, gluten, or some other seemingly innocuous food?

That is what a Dutch study published in January 2011 found: In kids with ADHD, researchers found that putting them on a restrictive diet to eliminate possible, previously unknown food sensitivities decreased hyperactivity for 64 percent of kids. In the study, of the 41 kids who completed the elimination diet, 32 saw decreased symptoms. When certain foods thought to be "triggers" for each child were reintroduced, most of the children relapsed. The eliminated diets, which lasted five weeks, consisted predominantly of rice, white meat, and vegetables. Among 50 kids given a "control" diet that was just a standard, healthy diet for children, significant changes were not noted. Given these findings; Jan Buitelaar, the lead author of the Dutch study and a psychiatrist at the Center, recommended that the elimination diet become part of the standard of care for children with ADHD.

What are food sensitivities?

Food sensitivities are not the same as food allergies. Some food allergies have an immediate outward reaction such as itching, swelling, or hives. However, food sensitivities are silent reactions to food that can sometimes cause unusual symptoms. Some of these symptoms are headache, nausea, pain, sleepiness abnormal behavior, and cognitive impairment. These

symptoms can easily be confused with other diseases. Since there are no accurate laboratory tests that can consistently identify food sensitivities, without elimination and later reintroduction of foods, it is very difficult to figure out what foods are the triggers.

What can you do?

The challenge with the elimination diet is that parents usually find it difficult to follow especially when the affected child is in a larger family. However, simple steps can be taken with the guidance of a qualified health care provider that will make the transition easier for the entire family. Avoiding food sensitivities can significantly improve the symptoms of ADHD and it works well with any other therapy or treatment.


10 ways to reduce the risk of Breast Cancer

1. Diet – Eating whole, locally grown foods and avoiding packaged, processed, food will decrease exposure to chemicals such as food additives and pesticides. Eating a diet rich in greens such as kale, spinach, brussel sprouts, and broccoli will help your body recycle and detoxify hormones that can lead to breast cancer.

2. Limit Microwave Use – Microwaves work by sending powerful radiation through food in order to quickly heat them up. When food is microwaved (especially in plastics), they become more toxic. On the occasion where a microwave is necessary, heat food in a ceramic container instead of plastic.

3. Quit Smoking – Women who smoke increase their risk of breast cancer.

4. Get Vitamin D – Vitamin D reduces the risk of breast cancer. Vitamin D is made is the skin when it is exposed to the sun. Women who limit exposure to the sun by wearing sunscreens are often low in vitamin D.

5. Use more natural cosmetics – Chemicals such as Parabens and Phthalates are widely used in makeup, nail polish, and skincare products. These chemicals act as hormone disruptors and can increase risk in women with underlying hormone imbalances.

6. Avoid Taking Hormones – Most breast cancers are hormone-sensitive. Taking extra hormones in the form of birth control or hormone replacement therapy can disrupt the body’s natural hormonal balance. It has been shown that some forms of hormone replacement therapy can increase breast cancer risk by as much as 75%.

7. Exercise - Research shows exercising regularly at a moderate or intense level for 4 to 7 hours per week lowers the risk of breast cancer. Exercise consumes and controls blood sugar and limits blood levels of insulin-like growth factor, a hormone that can affect how breast cells grow and behave.

8. Avoid radiation – Exposure to radiation such as x-rays, to the face, neck, and chest has been shown to increase risk.

9. Maintain a healthy weight – Women with a BMI greater than 27 have an increased risk. Having a diet low in sugar and processed foods will help reduce excess body fat.

10. Avoid artificial sweeteners – Artificial sweeteners such as Splenda and sweet and low are found in diet drinks and many zero-calorie beverages. These chemicals have a toxic effect on the liver and can increase risk.


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