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Fatigue and Extremely Exhausted??? Is Your Thyroid to Blame?

Fatigue is a common symptom of thyroid disorders. Whether you feel tired all the time or wake up in the morning unrested with brain fog, it can become extremely exhausting and interfere with your quality of life.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck that produces hormones that control the way your body uses energy. This gland also controls your metabolism, which is the process of how your body converts food to energy.

However, when the production of thyroid hormones is out of balance it can result in thyroid disorders. For example, if there are too many thyroid hormones being produced it is called hyperthyroidism, and if it is too little it is called hypothyroidism. Thyroid conditions usually result in an array of different symptoms, like anxiety, irritability, trouble sleeping, insomnia, fatigue, and much more.

Experiencing fatigue can be a key sign of undiagnosed thyroid conditions. Now, there are many different ways to treat thyroid disorders, like medical or hormone replacement therapy. The problem with these methods is, that they act as a band-aid. The techniques are not getting to the source of the problem and can actually make the condition worse. That is why I

am dedicated to helping people address their health concerns, especially hormonal imbalances with a more natural approach.

Extensive lab work really helps my team and I, identify the source of the concern and eliminate the problem through lifestyle modifications. For more information, click here!

However, in the meantime, if you are dealing with extreme fatigue, especially due to thyroid health, here are a few tips to consider following….

  • Eat a diet rich in whole foods. This tip is the most obvious but is so important when dealing with the thyroid gland. The reason why is because our thyroid gland manages our metabolism. Making sure our body is absorbing and converting nutrient-rich foods as energy can support our thyroid health and overall wellness.

  • Stay away from caffeine and alcohol! If you are battling fatigue, a caffeinated drink can be very attractive. However, caffeinated drinks will only give you a short-term energy boost, paired with a serious crash a few hours later. Plus, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks affect your body’s ability to get deep, restorative sleep. That will, in turn, leave you feeling more tired reaching for another coffee or energy drink, and the cycle will go on and on.

  • Exercise for an energy boost. Although it may seem controversial, exercise can help with your fatigue. Adding more physical activity to your day can improve your energy and sleep at night. It is recommended to do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes daily.


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