How fibroids and infertility are connected and what to do about it.

Dealing with uterine fibroids can really affect the quality of a woman's life. The benign tumors are known to cause serious pain, excessive bleeding, and infertility. Studies show that fibroids are present in 5-10% of infertile women, and a small percentage of these women deal with infertility due to fibroids. In those cases, fibroids may cause infertility due to the blockage of the fallopian tubes or preventing the fertilized egg from being implanted in the uterus. In addition, if pregnancy does occur depending on the size and location of the fibroids, it may interfere with the fetus’ development due to the limited space in the uterus.
Treating fibroids for fertility can be difficult and take time but there are things that can help enhance and speed up your healing journey. In most cases, doctors wait and watch the fibroids over time to see if they will go away on their own. While there is not a magic solution to reducing fibroids and improving fertility, there are proven lifestyle hacks to help address these areas in a healthy, balanced way.
Step One - Preparation
Preparation is key to living a healthy lifestyle, especially when dealing with fibroids. Learning how to prepare and plan your meals and exercise can be foundational to your success and actually seeing results. Doing so can help you stay accountable and have a backup plan in case things do not go as planned that day.
Researchers have shown that following a Mediterranean diet, which is rich in fish, cooked vegetables, and fresh fruit, can help you manage fibroids. More specifically, studies found that the foods that make up the Mediterranean diet contain vitamin D, which may help lower the amount of fibroids cells being produced.
It is best to plan a few go-to breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals for the week when going to the supermarket. That way your kitchen is fully equipped with everything you need to prepare a delicious, healthy meal at home instead of ordering takeout.
In addition, regular exercise may help reduce the growth of fibroids. Focusing on cardio and weight loss exercise is best when having fibroids. However, it is recommended to avoid overtraining and exercises that increase blood circulation and pressure in your stomach. Exercises like crunches, sit-ups, and heavy weight lifting activate the blood supply in the abdomen, which will naturally flow into the blood supply to your fibroids.
Planning the type of exercise for each day, at a specific time can help you manage your time more efficiently and stay focused on progress. Otherwise, you will not make time to go and when you do your workouts may be scattered and not targeted to your fitness goals.
Step Two - Talk to a Hormone Specialist
Consulting with a hormone specialist regarding fibroids and fertility is probably the best decision and investment you can possibly make.
The hormone estrogen plays a critical role in healthy reproduction. However, when there is too much estrogen present in the body, it can increase your risk of developing fibroids or worsen your condition.
In addition, many women who have severe fibroids have reportedly high blood pressure due to hormonal imbalances.
Overall, hormonal imbalance may be the culprit to fibroids development and other symptoms occurring. That is why working with a hormonal specialist is a great tool and option to consider. Doing so will provide you with resources and guidance on how to address the source of your condition and create a personalized wellness plan, specifically catered to you.
The reason why this is so effective and helpful in treating fibroids and fertility issues is that each and every woman is unique and their needs are completely different. It also cuts out all the confusion about what you should be doing or taking.
Here at The Lifestyle Clinic, we do exactly this. Through completing an extensive lab panel we are able to create customized wellness plans based on their health concerns and goals regardless of what they may be.
Overall, addressing health concerns in a more personalized way helps you cut out the nonsense and start helping your body heal naturally. However, there are some ways you can start today to improve your fertility and reduce the symptoms of fibroids.
Eat fiber-rich foods like leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and fruit. These foods help aid in weight loss, promote hormonal balance, stabilize blood sugars, and slow down the growth of fibroids.
Stop consuming dairy products because they are loaded with harmful toxins and artificial hormones.
Eliminate sugary, processed foods from your diet, these foods spike blood sugar levels, which increases the production of insulin, which is linked to weight gain and fibroid growth.
Now, if you have fibroids and are dealing with infertility, I hope these tips help you on your journey. Remember, focus on balance in all areas of your life and take it one step at a time every day.