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Testosterone 101

Testosterone is a hormone that is found in both men and women. Many think of testosterone as a male hormone, but it actually has a direct effect on the hormonal function of a woman.

Testosterone is produced in the testicles in men, while it is made in the ovaries of women but in much in smaller amounts. The production of this hormone starts to increase during puberty and declines after the age of 30. Levels of testosterone in your body reduce with age. While some women or men do not even notice the progression, others can be very sensitive to fluctuation in hormones and cause an array of symptoms.

Testosterone is most commonly associated with sex drive and plays a foundational role in sperm production in men. It also has an effect on how men store fat, their red blood cell production and even has an effect on their mood. Testosterone plays a major role in men and development throughout life…

  • The development of the penis and testes

  • The deepening of the voice during puberty

  • The appearance of facial and pubic hair during puberty

  • Can play a role in balding in older men

  • Muscle size and strength

  • Bone growth and strength

  • Sex drive

  • Sperm production

The brain sends signals to the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, which controls the production of testosterone in men. The pituitary gland basically sends signals to the testes to produce testosterone. A “feedback loop” then regulates the amount of hormone in the blood. And when testosterone levels are too high, the brain will send signals to the pituitary to reduce production.

Testosterone also has a major role in women's hormonal health and is known as one of the many androgens (male sex hormones) in females. There is a healthy balance between androgens and estrogen that is needed for optimal ovarian function. These hormones have also been found to affect…

  • Ovarian function

  • Bone strength

  • Sexual behavior

Testosterone levels whether it is low or high, can affect everyone in a variety of ways, and lab work is definitely the best way to measure this. We check testosterone levels routinely as a part of our evaluation package at The Lifestyle Clinic (click here for more info). This can help you identify what your course of action may be for your journey to healthy hormones. Luckily, it is safe to say that creating healthier routines can definitely help you maintain healthy levels to avoid unwanted symptoms. Maintaining a consistent exercise routine and a balanced eating plan are the top ways to support your hormones in the long run.


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