Milk in American culture has become ubiquitous: it is used to make a variety of foods and beverages and is often a staple item in many households. Dairy has been portrayed as a healthy and necessary dietary supplement – full of wholesome goodness. But is this really the case? Continual research and clinical studies may suggest the opposite.

While milk is often promoted as the ―perfect food, it may be better qualified as the perfect food for the species that actually produces it. A cow produces a serum that is specifically designed to enable its calf to grow rapidly, approximately 500 pounds within a six-month period. It is inadequate for the needs of the developing human infant who may grow an average of seven pounds in three months. It is also lacking in essential fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, which may be necessary for proper development. Additionally, cow’s milk has been associated with numerous childhood afflictions such as colds and flu, ear infections, congestion, allergy, rashes, asthma, colic, bovine leukemia virus, and even childhood diabetes.

Research suggests that adults who eat lots of dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, are more likely to have behavioral problems, skin rashes and eruptions, blood disorders, bone and joint trouble, gastrointestinal complications, as well as respiratory problems. Even more worrisome, breast and ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma, gallstones, Crohn’s disease, and even osteoporosis are among some of the conditions linked directly to dairy consumption.
One may be wondering at this point, what exactly is in milk that causes such adverse reactions? One reason is that many proteins in milk are not particularly digestible by humans: hence, lactose intolerance. While milk does contain specific enzymes that could help digest these proteins, the enzymes are destroyed during pasteurization and homogenization. Because of this, many individuals prefer to drink raw milk, as they are more apt to receive the nutritional benefits. Unfortunately, the risk of infection is great with raw milk and it is still very difficult for the human body to digest. All is not lost, however, because there are many healthful alternatives to cow dairy products.

For example, there is a wide variety of milk, cheese, and even ice cream products made from almond, coconut, or soy. Goat’s milk and cheeses are easier to digest than cow’s milk products and may be a healthier alternative as well. While a transition away from dairy may take some getting used to, it will result in many surprising health benefits, like weight loss, decreased environmental allergies, and less inflammation. When we consider our longevity and the quality of life we desire to live, this alternative lifestyle may not seem so drastic after all – just a little bump in the road as we watch the proverbial milkman drive by.
-Medicine Talk (Dr. Eli Camp)
What Patients are Saying...
Before I started seeing Dr. Parkes, I was in constant pain from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. My finger joints were getting stiffer and stiffer. The pain kept waking me all through the night. I was limiting my food intake but gaining weight. I emotionally just wanted to sit in a corner and cry. I was losing all hope of feeling better. Now, after just 2 months of starting the program, my fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis only bother me at night but to a much lesser degree. My finger joints are less painful and much more flexible. Stiffer first thing in the morning but better during the day. Pain does not keep me awake at night unless I overdo and stress my joints-particularly my neck. My weight is down 9 lbs to my normal weight. Emotionally I am so happy to be able to feel other emotions besides pain. It is amazing how changing how I eat has made such a difference-along with encouragement! I can’t thank you enough for giving me my life back.
- B.Johnston

Dear Dr. Parkes,
What is the HCG diet and do you recommend it? - H.P
Dear H.P,
The HCG diet includes daily injections of the human pregnancy hormone, as well as adhering to a reduced-calorie diet (typically consisting of 500, but sometimes as much as 800 calories per day). The purported benefit of the HCG injection is that it helps trick the body into releasing excess fat stores so they are available to be burned. With the severe restrictions on calories, it is typical for dieters to experience irritability, dizziness, and powerful food cravings. I don’t recommend the HCG diet. The problem—and danger—of this diet lies in the calorie restriction. 500 (and even 800) calories per day is a severe restriction for anyone and is actually quite damaging to health. In women, severe caloric restriction can lead to irregular
menstrual periods. Additionally, anemia due to iron deficiency, and decreased protein levels can lead to weakened immunity and thyroid function.
Gluten-Free Pancakes

1 cup Millet Flour
1/2 cup soy flour (Or Almond flour)
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups water
2 teaspoons canola oil
Combine all the dry ingredients in a medium-size bowl. Mix all liquid ingredients in another bowl.
Mix liquid ingredients into dry ingredients. Drop by 1/4 cup- full onto a lightly greased griddle, turning only once until cooked.