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The Fertility Boosting Diet: A Beginner’s Guide

What to eat and what not to eat when trying to conceive.

About 10-15% of couples are faced with infertility concerns. Some couples may resort to fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). These treatments are most commonly known and have helped many couples conceive a child. While addressing wellness concerns, like infertility, it is highly recommended to seek personalized treatment options for the most effective results. However, there are many lifestyle factors that are standard and should be considered if you are looking to boost your fertility.

More specifically, following a fertility-boosting diet, similar to the commonly known Mediterranean diet, has been proven to be effective and beneficial. This diet consists of vegetables, fatty fish, fruits, nuts, herbs, and spices. In addition to olive oil for an added source of healthy fats. Many of these wholesome foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that will nourish and support your body to function optimally, including the reproductive system.

Here are a few steps on how someone can improve their fertility through diet and lifestyle modifications.

Step #1: High Protein Breakfast

Protein has vital amino acids that are necessary for making neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes for metabolic reactions, and other cell signaling molecules. Needless to say, prioritizing protein intake can promote hormonal balance, which can in turn increase the chances of conception.

Furthermore, eating a breakfast high in protein has been shown to increase your energy levels, help you maintain a healthy weight, and regulate your hormones. All of which are beneficial to improving fertility levels.

An easy solution to this is to invest in a plant-based protein powder, like Easy Meal. All you have to do is add some powder to a shaker bottle with almond milk and you are ready to go. A complete source of protein and a multivitamin in just one serving! You can also make it more nutritious and filling by blending it with fruits and vegetables.

Step 2: The Do’s and Don’ts

As mentioned before, the fertility-boosting diet consists of fatty fish, vegetables, spices, and more, but here are a few specifics of what to eat and what to stay away from.

Seafood is high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, and iron, however, it is important to steer away from fish high in mercury like king mackerel, shark, bigeye tuna, and swordfish. Instead opt to fish like anchovies, catfish, flounder, salmon, and scallops.

Eat more fat, that is good fats of course. Foods high in bad fats include bacon, whole milk, fried foods, baked good, and pastries. It is best to avoid these as much as possible to avoid the harmful effects it has on fertility and overall body function. Instead, focus more on heart-healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

Eat the rainbow, when choosing your meals for the week really try to aim for bright-colored fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are found in these foods and can significantly improve fertility health. Foods like citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, and carrots are all great places to start.

Step 3: Plan and Prepare!

While getting takeout for lunch and/or dinner can make life convenient, over time this can truly take a toll on one's overall health, including fertility. Learning how to create a meal plan and prep for the week is a time investment, but the rewards are worth it.

It is recommended to simply choose 2-4 breakfast, lunch, and dinner options, create a grocery list, and then prepare. There are two ways to go prepping, you can either cook your foods and add them to glass containers for the week. Or you can wash, cut, and season veggies and protein for the week, making it easier to cook during the week and it saves you a lot of time.

Pro tip:

Consult with a hormone specialist. Here at, The Lifestyle Clinic, we help promote hormonal balance through personalized recommendations we create based on your lab results. These results provide us with information that is needed to address your unique needs and concerns. To learn more, click here.

Overall, improving fertility can be a journey but adopting healthier eating habits can help more than you think. Fueling the body with nourishing fruits and vegetables and adopting healthy lifestyle habits like meal prepping, can set you up for success and boost your fertility over time.


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